
Articles Posted in COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


Managing Security Risk: How COVID-19 Pandemic and Work-from-Home Arrangements Pose New Security Considerations

As if a global pandemic was not enough to trigger hypervigilance, cybercriminals have seized the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to exploit individuals’ and organizations’ cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The FBI anticipates a rise in cyber-exploitation during this time, and has warned citizens of the various means of launching a cyberattack. In…


EU Publishes Privacy Guidance on the Use of Contact Tracing Technology in the Fight Against COVID-19

‘Contact tracing’ is a process used by public health officials to identify individuals who may have come into close proximity with a contagious virus, such as COVID-19. Traditionally, infected persons are asked to identify interactions with people whilst infected or in the days leading up to infection being diagnosed. Health…


As COVID-19 Affects a Wide Range of Business Functions, Scrutiny of BC/DR plans Is Essential

Business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) plans are an essential element of your and your suppliers’ business—an increasingly apparent fact as we now face the uncertainty caused by COVID-19. Your agreements with suppliers and service providers likely account for exigent circumstances via force majeure and BC/DR provisions, and reviewing and…


Flexibility and Communication During COVID-19

In managing relationships with their suppliers during the pandemic, companies will find it in their interest to show some flexibility—but only within certain parameters. In “COVID-19: BCP and Remote Work Notifications from Suppliers,” colleagues Aaron M. Oser and Mario F. Dottori take a practical look at just what this means for often…

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