
Pillsbury Bloggers in the News: Looking Back at 2013 IT Outsourcing Predictions

In a look back at 2013, Mario Dottori commented in Stephanie Overby’s article on grading our initial 2013 IT Outsourcing predictions that we discussed last December.

Third-Generation Deals Enter Uncharted Territory It was true that many of the latest generation of outsourcing deals were more complex. But the advantage did not go to the incumbents. Quite the opposite came to pass. “Incumbents are always ‘sticky’ because of high — or perceived high — barriers to exit,” says Mario Dottori, partner in the global sourcing practice at law firm Pillsbury. “However, we have seen more movement away from incumbents where there are lower barriers to exist. Customers are balancing the switching costs and risks with significant improved service delivery and meaningful reduction in spend.”

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